Saturday, July 5, 2008

Ho.. Hum PART 2

I'm back from my long trip, all sun-tanned and weak, and wished to hit the gym immediately after returning. Now, only two months of the twelve months that I paid for the membership of the gym are remaining, and I still did not make up my mind.
So I've started with light, free hand exercises at home, like push-ups, squats, lunges and ab-crunches.

I'm writing this post all cold and feverish, and wish to be alright by Monday morning when I shall try to go the gym again! If not, this would be my last trial.

And I shall delete this blog forever. Cant make myself feel ashamed so many times.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i hv mde a record nt goin 2 d gym...
hv paid hell 4 2yrs....
n din evn visit d gym 2 tyms a yr..:P